Sunday, December 29, 2019

Finance, Cash Flow and Insolvency Report - 2751 Words

Finance, Cash Flow and Insolvency Report Background Information on Owensport Owensport a sole trader intends to setup a business manufacturing a new style of multi-gym in the Reading area. Here are the following fixed assets that he will require to run his business: * Premises * Machinery * Equipment (Office) * Vehicle Working capital * Labour * Spare Parts * Telephone * Stock * Lighting/heating/electric How to pay for the assets For Owensport to purchase his fix assets he should looking init two terms of finance, medium term finance is any thing from borrow money from 1-5 years. The last term of finance is a long-term finance which†¦show more content†¦Using hire purchase also means that you are not laying out such a large sum initially, compared with the buying out right, which can be helpful with cash flow. However the payment you make will consist of capital, as well as interest parts of payments. Hire Purchase, involves the whole capital value of the vehicle (VAT included) being paid off plus interest over the chosen terms of the contract. It therefore delivers a fixed amount of equal and unchanging payments and then Owensport will own the vehicle. Hire Purchase gives some cash flow advantages over outright purchase, but not to the extent of contract hire, lease purchase. Advantages * Fixed term and fixed equal, unchanging payments * Assets is owned by user at the end of the contract * Cash flow advantage over Outright purchase * Taxation advantage on high value vehicles over Contract Hire and Lease Purchase. Disadvantages * Once you have entered into this agreement it is hard to escape the payments if you no longer require the asset. * High deposits are generally used. * This is classed as a debt on your balance sheet, which could make it difficult for future borrowing. * Can be more expensive due to VAT changes. * Deprecation charges are yours. Leasing If a company leases am equipment they, are not the owner of it although the company be able to buyShow MoreRelatedHow Does It Work?1291 Words   |  6 PagesHow it works? Self-employed IVAs are very similar to normal Individual Voluntary Arrangements. They follow the same principle – but the application process is a little different, as they have to accommodate your business and cash-flow. This guide provides you with an in-depth look at the self-employed IVA process. If you’re struggling with your debts and think a self-employed IVA could be right for you, get in touch with PayPlan. We can help you understand all your options. Call us on 0800 280Read MorePredicting a Firms Financial Distress Essay1480 Words   |  6 Pagesbusiness through Cash provided by financing activities – the operating activities loss is offset by increases in long-term borrowings. 1. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Social Change and then Post Modernity - 1090 Words

Post modernity was the successor of modernity in the time line of social change. It celebrates diversity and focuses thoroughly on the importance of the unconscious and puts emphasis on the free. It is an anything goes theory, full of new age beliefs and decisions. There is no consensus regarding when exactly postmodernity started, what it actually is, or whether it even exists. The term postmodern is irrational: modern means now, present, and up-to-date. Whereas postmodern means nothing but future. Post modernism as a sociological theory argues the fact that no one theory is better than the other. It is a sociological theory very much against the standard ‘assumptions’ of modernist theory. For example relativism: post modernity argues that there is no such thing as valid or invalid knowledge. It is also very much against grand theories and structuralism, and rejects theorists like Marx and Durkheim. Post modernity is a continuation of the previous human history resulting in some additions and some losses, just like everything in life. For example, there was of course an indisputable change in the world after the WW2, especially accelerated by the addition of things like computers and technology into our society. History, just like biological evolution, can only move ahead by small deletions and additions to society and it is only with a sustained period of time that we notice a loss after an addition and an elephant in the room after a loss. It is with this theor yShow MoreRelatedA New Age Of Post Modernity Essay1582 Words   |  7 Pages Modernity Describe the main features of the shift from modernity to postmodernity Post modernity or post modernism as coined during the counter culture era of the 1960s and 70s has been highly contestant, ever since it was first used describe the death of modern architecture and art during the same period. It is this debate of being in a state of modernity or post modernity that will lead me to describe the shifts in cultural, economic and political viewsRead MoreThe Discourse On Development As A Form Of Social Change939 Words   |  4 Pagesas a normative form of social evolution and instrumental in its’ need of intensifiers that state those regions are lacking. Development as a form of social change is destructive because it signifies there are issues waiting to be solved. Arturo Escobar states that development needs to rid itself of its discursive history because the very act of Western hegemonic forces helping third world countries reasserts the notion of its moral and cultural superiority in a supposedly post-colonial time. ArturoRead MoreWomen s Impact On Women During The Sun s Never Leave Yourself By Eileen P. 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Economic: This involved the growth of the capitalist market economy, the production of goods for profit and the emergence of wage labour. 2. Political: The emergence of the centralised nation state and the extension ofRead MoreFamily And Its Impact On Society826 Words   |  4 Pagesundergone uncommon events and changes that had impact on human history. This was the centuries of world wars, social rights, economic crisis, and political regimes. These transformations had a huge impact on society and how we view family. The meaning of family and understanding the term family and its importance to life had survived some remarkable changes (Ketzer barbagli, 2003). With the rise of modernity, rapid changes have been seen in many aspects of social life, which have altered the rolesRead MoreHow I Understand Modernity As Well As The Emergence Of Sociology Essay1580 Words   |  7 PagesWhen I hear the word modernity what comes to mind is change or a new social order. The word modernity captures the world that we live in today and one that we have also inherited over the past 500 years. In trying to understand how the world is where it is now, as well as what has come before we use the c oncept of modernity to describe these changes or in other words the making of the modern world. In this paper I will outline how I understand modernity as well as the emergence of sociology. I willRead MoreThe Role Of Role During The Middle Eastern Modernity953 Words   |  4 PagesEuropeans in Middle Eastern Modernity The term modernity is widely used to refer to various changes in cultural and social norms that occurred in post-medieval Europe. The concept includes different but interrelated historical and cultural events that impacted politics, human culture, and social institutions. In simple words, modernity can be referred to as the aspect of being up to date, usually characterized by a contemporary way of thinking or living. The onset of modernity in any society is oftenRead MoreModernity And Technology922 Words   |  4 Pagesreferred to as being relative to a particular time space. Therefore, this paper refers to technology as within the digital age. Modernity relies on technology for its connect. It is not inherently the gadgets and glassy screens that people are attracted to. Rather, it is the connection they find...a connection to each other. Many people have compromised on their anti-social media tirades in order to stay in contact with close friends or family. It is emblematic, again, of humans need for connectionRead MoreThe Changing Meanings Of Religion975 Words   |  4 Pagespopulation the article is geared towards is†¦... Borowik begins the article by talking about how the views on religion were diverse due to the fast-changing society in the second half of the nineteenth century. Sociologists witnessed the rapid changes in production, social organization, structure and political legitimacy and because of that they tried to be objective while being aware of their own biography, political and other views and the zeitgeist in which they constructed their theories. More than 100Read MoreHow the Social Importance of Religion Has Receded with Modernity1617 Words   |  7 PagesReligion has always been of high social importance and influence within civilization and their society. This essay will argue that as modernity has progressed the social importance of religion has receded, but the gradient of this recession and by how much varies upon the society. Modernity typically refers to a â€Å"post-medieval historical period, one marked by the move from feudalism toward capitalism, industrialization, secularization, rationalization, the nation-state and its constituent institutions†

Friday, December 13, 2019

Busy Busy Barcelona Free Essays

It is said that Barcelona is one of the most exciting cities in the world. On first arrival there were only hints of this, but as the coach further into the city its true colours were shining gloriously. I couldn’t be sure if it was the fast street entertainment or the immense amount of shoppers and traffic, but either way my pulse was pumping because of this electrifying city. We will write a custom essay sample on Busy Busy Barcelona or any similar topic only for you Order Now My excuse for being in this exhilarating environment is a day trip to the big city everyone talks about. My accommodation was situated in a coastal town named Salou, roughly one hours drive from Barcelona. My hotel was called hotel â€Å"Cleopatra†, a nice but relatively insignificant next to this manic metropolis. As my accommodation was over an hour away I was anticipating a good day out and so far things looked set to be going that way. Approaching the city centre now, I notice two extremes of Barcelona’s busy life. The first are apparent to be the wealthy, designer labelled snobs who frown upon and grace no pity towards the other forgotten race that that are the remorseful tramps. It seemed that the rest of the city was moving forward so blindingly fast that that these endless vagabonds are left in a sea of no hope. However, in an action so hypocritical to whom I just accused, we deliberately admire a crumbling sculpture to move on swiftly past the swarm of homeless Spaniards. Our first objective of the trip is to get a topless bus around the city. We vaguely made out the attempt at English from the operator, which did seem to be a recurrence throughout the day, demanding of us, â€Å"four people, 68 Euros!† You’ve got to be joking!! However at this point we didn’t really have much choice as this was the only real way we could ever get a good old gander at the sites of the city. So despite the outrage, me, my Girlfriend, her Mum and her Dad decide to give it a go. The bus was certainly filled with most British, yet the navigator on the microphone never thought to attempt a spot of English, no, strictly Spanish. Nevertheless we could still view the sites and scenery, if of course we hadn’t of taken poor advice in which we asked for the route which takes us past the illustrious Barcelona Cathedral, but never did we actually see the magnificent building. At least, not from closer than half a mile away viewed on a hilltop. The one truly satisfying thing about this exhilarating experience was that from inside the topless bus the sun came beaming down on us in which I believe I turned about 5 different shades from white to brown within a matter of two and half hours. On departure of our trip that proved a somewhat anti climax situation, I felt a large overpowering sigh of relief come across me, and a look around made an impact and my original feelings of the day that was the anticipation of the new city ahead of me. Fresh air? No block buildings? No traffic and insane amounts of shoppers We had reached a completely different part of Barcelona which we had looped around the city to get to it in the bus, but we had ended up perhaps ten minutes from the city centre. We couldn’t even feel that it was Barcelona, it felt like Spain, which seemed like so much different. This was certainly more the family side of the city as it had many more family shops and attractions, and not to mention families. Yes, this part of the city was giving me the holiday feeling that the closed up, claustrophobic busy mainstream of the city wasn’t. This new side of Barcelona creates a new feeling of ease and I finally find why this so highly rated city gets the praise that it does, and is so renowned worldwide as a hotspot for any age or type. It was almost as if there were two separate cities mixed in together to make the ultimate holiday destination, with a family attraction to the city being just a 10 minute drive from a busy and unpredictable centre, its bound to be that. Such a huge variation in tourist attraction is no doubt how this city rakes in millions upon millions of pounds through the tourism industry, making it Barcelona’s key and its largest impact on the cities economy. My favourite attraction from the whole experience was stumbled upon at about mid afternoon and was a stones throw away from where we departed with the bus. I stared at first, mesmerised at the colossal once used Olympic Stadium. From the outside I witnessed it to be a enormous display of architectural genius used subtlety to emphasise the home of the flame once held within. As I leave the magnificent Stadium in which we were not allowed to enter, I felt like I could spend all afternoon with the satisfaction that I am butterflied with at the moment. No sooner said than done we ended up in that very place where we started off originally, but somehow I managed to appreciate it a lot more than I did as a first impression. It now occurs to me that these two parts of the cities are maybe simply complimenting the other to combine creating a worldwide holiday destination. However there are many reasons I would tell a holiday maker contemplating where to go to not travel to this big city, but there are so many reasons more why I would tell them to book it for Barcelona. After a hectic day we made it back to Salou at around nine thirty when I came to my conclusion on my day. I felt that as busy and difficult as Barcelona was, it was worth every minute and is not a day to miss out on, whoever you are. How to cite Busy Busy Barcelona, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Application of DMAIC and 4Ds in Project Management

Question: Discuss about the Application of DMAIC and 4Ds in Project Management. Answer: DMAIC DMAIC which is an acronym for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. DMAIC main function is to optimize and improve business project management processes(Borror, 2009, p. 322). However, like any other business process tool DMAIC has both the benefits and limitations. Before addressing the system advantages and disadvantages, it is important to have a brief overview of the core components of DMAC as illustrated in the diagram below. Source: (American Society for Quality, 2016) Define: Entails analyzing the problem, spotting improvement opportunities, the goals of the projects and improvement opportunities. Measure ranks the process performance. Analyze: The processing of monitoring the process to determine the variance what may have caused the difference between the anticipated performance and the poor performance. Improve: Involves getting rid of the cause of the problem. Control: Focuses on improving the current as well as the future process performance. Benefits of DMAIC Durable Solutions: The designing of DMAIC leads to the development of the solutions which are not temporary in nature by the long lasting and sustainable solutions. Data Based Conclusions: Provided that DMAIC is a data based software, conclusions and decisions are made according to the empirical evidence and data. Quality Training: The utilization of DMAIC requires the personnel to undergo appropriate training to be able to analyze data with high level of the objective to come up with the most reliable and effective solutions. Flexible: DMAIC is flexible in terms time. Therefore, solutions and conclusions are always arrived at after spending the needed time for a particular project without quick decisions that may be made based on the specific time limit. Clear Structure: DMAIC is clearly structured and thus it comprehensively and carefully evaluates any process before the implementations on any improvement is done. Lancaster (2011, p. 8) noted that one of the core reasons why business improvements implementation is because of lack of performing analysis before the implementation of the improvement. Supports Analytical Approach: This permits the business to utilize the collected data effectively. Additionally, it guarantees the accurate business baselines. Limitations of DMAIC Rigid: The DMAIC is adopted in all almost all planning and processing process, it may cause bureaucracy and rigidity hence stifling creativity and creating delays. Costly: The costs associated with DMAIC makes it difficult for the small businesses to apply the same as a tool in the business processes. Avoidance of the critical internal control measures: Where the DMAIC is customer focused it may end ignoring the quality internal control measures that are very vital for the company. This is because the tool is greatly focused on achieving the overall anticipated goal of the company. 4Ds The 4DS stands which stands for Define, Design, Deliver, and Develop, is a structured tool used in the business processes. It entails defining the problem to design an effective problem solution. Once the design is finalized the solution is deployed so that the development of the solution can begin(Khanzode, 2007, p. 383). Just like DMAIC also 4Ds has both benefits and limitations. Benefits of 4Ds Easy to learn and thus making it simple to be understood by the project implementers. It can explain the complicated business processes. Helps in understanding the stages of each project life cycle. Defines the value of the products and services from the customers perspective. Facilitates the smooth flow of the valued added activities. Limitations of 4Ds Costly, slow and cumbersome due to tight controls and significant structure. The project is based on forward looking with very less consideration of the backward movement. Unexpected development needs may cause inconsistencies during the design phase. It may be difficult to accommodate changes that come later after the system has been implemented. Why DMAIC is Better than 4Ds The analysis both DMAIC and 4Ds weaknesses and strengths portrays DMAIC is the most suitable tool for the project management processes. The benefits associated with DMAIC are so strong and effective for the organization in comparison with the benefits attributable to 4DS. Additionally, the weaknesses of 4Ds seem to supersede the benefits. On the other side, the DMAIC strengths of the benefits outweigh the effects of the limitations (England et al., 2009 p. 8). In respect of the restaurant project DMAIC will emerge as the best in the following ways; Reduces Errors and Inefficiency: Apart from being applied in the manufacturing sector DMAIC can be used in the restaurant industry to improve efficiency and minimize errors (Bardi, 2011, p. 28. Improves Quality: DMAIC can be used in the fast food operation to design different packaging methods to keep the food hot to improve the satisfaction of the customers. Higher Customer Satisfaction Increases Sales: DMAIC controls the services offered by the hosts, bartenders, and servers to ensure the improvement in the service delivery. References American Society for Quality, 2016. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 December 2016]. Bardi, J. (2011). Hotel Front Office Management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Borror, C. M., 2009. The Certified Quality Engineer Handbook. S.l.: ASQ Quality Press. England, E. H., Breum, G., Friis, A. (2009). Optimization of large-scale food production using lean manufacturing principles. Journal of Foodservice, 20(1), 4-14. Khanzode, A., 2007. 3D AND 4D Modeling for Design and Construction Coordination: Issues and Lessons Learned. ITcon, 1(2), pp. 381-407. Lancaster, J. M., 2011. Lean and Six Sigma in Hospitality Organizations: Benefits, Challenges, and Implementation, University of Nevada: Las Vegas.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Maturity Levels In Characters Essays - English-language Films

Maturity Levels In Characters Maturity levels increase and decrease in characters in works of literature and also throughout one's real life. It's hard for the maturity level of the person to stay the same. Ron Jones' The Acorn People, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and The Loved One by Evelyn Waugh clearly show the degree of maturity in characters in a work of literature. Ron Jones in The Acorn People shows a low maturity level when first arriving at the summer camp, but later his maturity level increased into a higher level. Laura Wingfield's character in The Glass Menagerie was extremely shy throughout most of the play. By the end of the play, Laura was able to hold a conversation with her old crush, Jim O'Connor. Sydney Carton of A Tale of Two Cities showed a rise is his maturity level when he took the place of Charles Darnay in the prison cell so that Lucie (Sydney's true love) would be able to be with her husband. Aimee Thanatogenos of The Loved One.... A person can be described as "mature" when he or she has grown physically and mentally, and has demonstrated the ability to be responsible for his/her actions. Whether it's an increase or decrease of maturity level, a change in it always shows a change in character and attitude. Ron Jones' maturity level rocketed after he became a camp counselor at Camp Wiggin and he also had a major attitude change along with that. Ron had placed himself in the camp counselor position merely for a good-paying job. In college he was an athlete, and playing with kids all day, swimming, and taking long hikes had also drawn him to the job. Little did he know this session of camp, was for the handicapped kids. Ron, along with the other counselors, were not trained for these kinds of tasks that they had to deal with, with the disabled kids and by the end of the first afternoon- Ron wanted out. His attitude was negative towards the situation he was put in and he felt that he would not be able to get close with these kids. The next day was better for him and throughout the next few days he slowly got to know and love the kids. Ron came to realize that this camp was "a place for children and their expectations and fantasies for life"(46), no matter if they were handicapped or not. Ron Jones' maturity level grew and grew each day as he worked with these kids. By the end of that session of camp he had a complete attitude change and his degree of maturity had increased a great deal. That change for Ron Jones was a change only for the good, just as Laura Wingfield's was. The character of Laura Wingfield definitely showed an obvious increase of maturity level in the play, The Glass Menagerie. Laura was an extremely shy girl, it was a kind of sickness she had. Her mother sent her to Rubicam's Business College in hopes that Laura would be able to hold a job and not have to depend on a husband. The class terrified her to the point of making her physically ill so Laura stopped going to the class. She did not have the maturity level of an adult and was not able to handle a simple situation such as that one. Another sign of a low maturity level was Laura's collection of"glass menagerie". A girl in her late 20's owning a collection of glass menagerie is quite particular, and not very common, but Laura had one! Laura found out that there was to be a gentleman caller one night and she became extremely nervous, but when she then found out this gentleman caller was Jim O'Connor and old high-school crush she couldn't handle it. She could barely even open the door for Jim and Tom when they were trying to enter the house. While Tom, Jim, and Amanda ate dinner together, Laura laid on the couch because seeing her old crush made her feel ill. Soon, after dinner, Jim joined Laura for a little conversation and which in the beginning she was incredibly quiet but then loosened up to him. She began talking and soon enough they kissed! Laura engaging in a conversation with her old crush showed a significant increase in her maturity level. She did not faint during it or become physically sick, and she even had some fun

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Linux Operating System

1. History of Linux Linux is a UNIX-like operating system. However, Linux can ¡Ã‚ ¦t really be called UNIX because it hasn ¡Ã‚ ¦t been registered to AT&T, the owner of the name of UNIX. The name Linux is after the name of its author, Linus Torvalds. He was a student of University of Helsinki in Finland. Linus modified one of the UNIX ¡Ã‚ ¦s versions, Minix. In September 1991, he finished his first version of Linux, which was Linux version 0.01. He broadcasted it on the net. In 1992, Linux has already reached version 0.12, which has had a simple shell and C compiler. After that Linux development was very fast because many programmers from all around the world participated in its development. They exchange and broadcast their modified code through the Internet. Many tools were added into Linux operating system such as support for sound cards, CD-ROM drivers, video cards, mouse, network cards, scanners, and so on. But that doesn ¡Ã‚ ¦t mean that the development of this particular operating system h as stopped. Still there are many developers of Linux adding more and more functions into it. Linux is free. Users don ¡Ã‚ ¦t have to pay for anything because Linux has been licensed under the Free Software Foundation ¡Ã‚ ¦s General Public License. It also means that users can modify the Linux as they wish by adding useful features into it. Linux was actually developed for home-users. Users can simply download it from the Internet. The address is Some additional software can be downloaded from the Internet too ( When users get Linux, they have got:  ¡Ã‚ ± Development software including compilers, assemblers and debuggers  ¡Ã‚ ± Text editors and text formatting programs  ¡Ã‚ ± Usenet news readers and e-mail agents  ¡Ã‚ ± World Wide Web development tools, web servers and browsers  ¡Ã‚ ± Graphics creation and manipulation tools Linux can be installed on 32-bit x86 based systems, su... Free Essays on Linux Operating System Free Essays on Linux Operating System 1. History of Linux Linux is a UNIX-like operating system. However, Linux can ¡Ã‚ ¦t really be called UNIX because it hasn ¡Ã‚ ¦t been registered to AT&T, the owner of the name of UNIX. The name Linux is after the name of its author, Linus Torvalds. He was a student of University of Helsinki in Finland. Linus modified one of the UNIX ¡Ã‚ ¦s versions, Minix. In September 1991, he finished his first version of Linux, which was Linux version 0.01. He broadcasted it on the net. In 1992, Linux has already reached version 0.12, which has had a simple shell and C compiler. After that Linux development was very fast because many programmers from all around the world participated in its development. They exchange and broadcast their modified code through the Internet. Many tools were added into Linux operating system such as support for sound cards, CD-ROM drivers, video cards, mouse, network cards, scanners, and so on. But that doesn ¡Ã‚ ¦t mean that the development of this particular operating system h as stopped. Still there are many developers of Linux adding more and more functions into it. Linux is free. Users don ¡Ã‚ ¦t have to pay for anything because Linux has been licensed under the Free Software Foundation ¡Ã‚ ¦s General Public License. It also means that users can modify the Linux as they wish by adding useful features into it. Linux was actually developed for home-users. Users can simply download it from the Internet. The address is Some additional software can be downloaded from the Internet too ( When users get Linux, they have got:  ¡Ã‚ ± Development software including compilers, assemblers and debuggers  ¡Ã‚ ± Text editors and text formatting programs  ¡Ã‚ ± Usenet news readers and e-mail agents  ¡Ã‚ ± World Wide Web development tools, web servers and browsers  ¡Ã‚ ± Graphics creation and manipulation tools Linux can be installed on 32-bit x86 based systems, su...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Summarizing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summarizing - Essay Example These two groups arguably will have less to offer by way of industry experience, with possible implications on the perception and reality of the education quality from this revamped educator pool. The key thing is the study is in the culling of the perceptions of existing faculty and the student body tied to how important faculty experience in the industry is. The study findings are said to be relevant with regard to informing school planners and administrators on how best to keep the level of academic rigor high within their programs, with the perceptions being used as inputs in devising hiring programs for educators moving forward (Phelan, Mejia and Hertzman 2013). The study proponents listed down three objectives for the study. One is the determination of the importance faculty place on experience in the industry preceding the teaching phase. Two is the determination of how faculty perceives how important industry experience is to the teaching posts in different disciplines within the hospitality umbrella discipline. Three is the determination how related the industry experience of faculty member is to the importance placed on industry experience prior to the teaching phase (Phelan, Mejia and Hertzman 2013). II. Literature Review The literature review traces the roots of the hospitality field as an academic discipline and as a professional practice to the trainings that were given in the course of employees doing their work in restaurants as well as hotels. This vocational education gave rise to more structured educational programs that soon became full-fledged academic programs. Having its roots in practice, however, the hospitality academic education is seen as benefitting from the experience gained by educators in the field, doing the actual work, and then supplementing the experience with the academic rigor associated with structured educational programs that grant degrees. The problem lies precisely in the perceptions with regard to the lack of experien tial grounding in the industry for some of the academic practitioners and how that lack of experience leads to a disconnect between theory or academics and actual industry experience or practice. The literature review then goes on to examine studies relating to practices to bridge the divide between practice on the one hand and theory on the other, with the emphasis on improving learning outcomes by making sure that educators are properly grounded in substantial experience in the industry (Phelan, Mejia and Hertzman 2013). III. Methodology An online survey of 445 faculty in the hospitality discipline was conducted, with the survey being self-directed and the link to the survey being sent out via emails to the potential respondents, and out of that total population a total of 39.3 percent sent responses via email of their completed surveys. Of the respondents, just 4 percent had no prior industry experience in the hospitality field, and the respondents represented faculty in 18 diffe rent countries, with most of the respondents coming from the United States. The other represented countries in the survey are the following: